Here she is preped and ready. So Ellexa had a myringotomy and a addenoidectomy yesterday. This would be our 4th appointment. It had been canceled because she was sick and she was sick because she needed it done. Irony. It all went well. They gave her a mild sedative before anesthesia and we held her till she was out. She was like a wet rag. So we went out in the witing room for 45 inutes and chewed our nails till she came out. We chatted for a moment with Nurse Laverne and she told us all was okay and she was in recovery. So at that point Jessica stopped crying. We went in and held her as she awoke . Apparently children awake very angry from anesthesia. I was unaware but in the recovery room she was a child i did not recognize. Her voice was hoarse and scratchy and she yelled like we were beating her. She went back and forth between us It was a little stressful to not be a ble to comfort her as we normaly could. She would make her whole body ridgid and throw her head back. But all in all she is getting better And than we heard the kid start screaming in the
next room. I had to go next door myself to see if someone was hurting h

er. PeeWee came out fine. In the recovery room the nurse explains how your next week will go. What to look for---what not to do----all that. We just stared at this lady. Fumbling and mumbling her words. I am pretty sure she had an entire bag of Big League Chew in her mouth and every few minutes she was putting more gum in her mouth. I kept counting because i was sure she had more than eve Kobuyashi could hold. She kept saying "You guys okay, you alright?" And she said it with this juicy wet mouth and spittle in the corners. I could not understand her half the time. Weird people seem to migrate in my direction. And it was not bad enough she has to explain to me very important info but she has to keep calling me sweetheart. I asked her to say that again about 38 times and then she apologized about
the kid screaming next door and that she'll talk louder. How about you spit that 6 lb. wad of gum out. And then she had to follow us out to the car and confirm we were truly gone. I guess? Wow. And i think her name was bernadette.........What was really difficult was that i could not make fun because this was serious. I had to know these things. I wanted to ask her what her personal record was and then ask for a piece of gum every 30 seconds till i could not speak. Jessica would not have been amused. Would alane? And ellexa is truly my child. She must touch anything with buttons and she is bored an must entertain herself at all times with anything that may be in her reach, including the cat.