Christmas was most fun and Ellexa knew what it was all about. She was handing out gifts with Douche clause AKA Mike Gallo. Here she is giving a smile. Jessica may be wearing this outfit later.

Because there's no such thing as too much cheese. Unrolling the braciole of consciousness; shaping the meatball of life. Because everything is funny; you just need to view it from the proper angle. Good for cats. Made in Poland. Because everything is like a hat. You know how those gorillas can be... Very unforgiving.
ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo. — A woman stabbed her husband with a kitchen knife following an argument that began when she accused him of opening a Christmas present early, authorities said Friday.Alane is safe -- her gift isn't even here yet (hmmm... hope that delivery gets here in time).
hello.. im was doin some late night christmas present browsin/shoppin online.. i was on lookin around for dvds.. i navigates through the links.. lookin for the tv shows on dvd page.. i got to the tv on dvd page.. and i sorted the results by.. priced low to high..and that's when it happened.. i found myself mesmerized and fascinated.. staring into my computer screen.. barely blinking as im scrolling thru all the choices.. numerous pages of olden day television shows.. there is an interestingly odd selection to choose from.. the covers of the dvds.. and the titles.. while i was lookin.. i noticed that my eyebrows were going up.. and down.. and up.. and down.. so i hope u have the time to check it out.. and see for yourself.. what im talking about.. and don't forget to monitor your eyebrow movement.. and u might even buy one of the dvds for someone.. i am buyin my girlfriend.. monster squad on dvd.. and im getting myself.. ITS ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPIA.. its a funny show.. and on a completely different note.. but the thought just popped in my head.. does anyone else not enjoy the ending of scrooged with bill murray?.. there is something about that scene when he is born again.. and ranting and raving in front of everyone.. that starts to drives me crazy.. and as easy it would be to change the channel.. and relieve myself of further craziness.. i just leave it on.. and just get mad at the movie.. the part that gets me the most.. is when he looks into the camera and talks to the movie audience.. or tv audience..tells them.. us.. to sing.. and then isn't even happy at what he hears.. and keeps asking different groupings of people to sing.. "ok now only the real men.. ok ok now the real women".. and in my head all i keep thinking is.. oooooooooooooooooooh what kinda endin is this!?!..