Litigating this one promises to be tricky. Aside from serious questions of personal jurisdiction, choice-of-law, and arctic venue there remains that critical logistic challenge: serving process on a guy who zips around on a magic sleigh pulled by flying reindeer. It's hard to write a guy like that a speeding ticket much less put a summons in his fat mitt. Nonetheless, the boys are very excited to be taking a case this far in advance of their sitting for the bar... Mojo already has his opening and closing arguments written -- lots of references to "tattoos on his arms and knees" and how he "wanted candy!"
The eight-foot inflatable Grinch now stands sentry alongside our front door. Pine garland crawls up our (still unlit) lawn light. No more decorating: we're done. I will try to get a photo as it gets dark today -- which may be tough since there's rain in the forecast.