What a week. Thanks to everyone at Spumoni South for the invitation and remarkable hospitality. Although we've already seen some fantastic photos they only scratch the surface of what can only be called an amazing visit. Or maybe it was more of a three-day hug. Thanks again to everyone for the fun, for catching up, and special thanks to The Big Kahuna and Marie for catalyzing and hosting our gathering.
It was great meeting new family members and catching up with others not seen in up to over a dozen years. Walking in the Atlantic surf was even better than I had anticipated while sitting at that tiki bar in Cocoa Beach last July. The Universal Theme Park was more fun than I could have imained, no doubt due to sharing the expreience with nearly two dozen family members. My first visit to a Hard Rock Cafe will, most likely, be my best ever.
Phyllis sent me a couple of table photos that I haven't seen posted here, so I'll post them and beg forgiveness at the same time.
I feel recharged after catching up with everyone despite the long drive back. The Wonderdog ate her first Milk Bone in over a week last night, although I'm not sure why she wouldn't eat them on the road. We've slept most of the time since we got home.
Great museum photos, Alane! We're sorry you missed this trip. Hopefully all is well in eastern Ohio.