Here's something I'm sure they're not having for Thanksgiving down at Spumoni South (can't be so confident that it doesn't look like this in Nebraska).
Driving on I-80 last night was a little treacherous, but we made it through without incident. The snow only got heavier this morning and the boys couldn't wait to get out into it. Alane looked very natural holdiong the snow-shovel (but she apparently forgot to pack her babushka).
Right now the boys are watching Scooby Doo and the football game is on in the other room. I'm considering what I should eat/drink next.
So, who's having snow-cones? Perhaps with a splash of Creme de Cacao?
BTW, the Macy's Thanksgiving parade was already in the local news earlier this week -- with reports that they were using untrained volunteer balloon-handlers, despite the assurances they made after the 1997 fiasco. The last time we went to the parade was back in the early 90s (1994, maybe 1995) and it was very windy, especially where we stood at Columbus Circle. The big balloons did some crazy dances as they came out into the open. Bart Simpson seemed to hump the apartment building on the corner. And Sonic Hedgehog (yes, Sonic) hit a building and deflated a few block beyond us.
I hope the lawyers don't get hold of this situation -- there'll be no more parade.