So after Mojo befriended the yeti, we just hung around in the back, tossing snowballs, commenting on the EU's misguided policy toward Chinese militarism. We agreed that China had come a long way, but lifting the arms trade embargo would be a serious geo-political error. That yeti seemed like a real mensch. Until it was time to go in. Being made of snow he couldn't very well come in with us; instead he got a little pushy -- said he wanted me to take him to Stew Leonards for an ice cream cone.

I said no way -- I wanted to go inside to take a shower. The yeti got annoyed and started stomping around, smashing what little patio furniture I keep by the back door.
"Hey ice ass, find your own way to Stew Leonard's," is what I said to him, and I hustled the boys into the warm house. The yeti stormed around a little longer, chasing cars, irritating neighbors.
He must've annoyed one person too many -- last I peeked outside the yeti was back in his original spot, missing his huge head.
Serves the frozen bastard right.