It's the oldest hight school rivalry in New York City, or so they say. I haven't been to the Xavier-Fordham Prep Thanksgiving game in exactly 20 years. I dragged everyone out of bed early this morning to get down to Rose Hill. Good turnout in the stands, and it's still a hard-fought game. Rain threatened, but the temp was around 60 -- very comfortable. We stayed until halftime to see the X-Squad exhibition -- they were sharp. We were in the stands near where the drill team was grouped, and as they were uncrating their weapons I yelled over to one of them "What is the nomenclature of the 1903A3 Springfield?" Without hesitation (and without a breath, it seemed) he spun off the whole thing. I used to know it; to me it is long forgotten. Just as their drill ended, a storm cloud let out a few heavy drops. It was short-lived, but we were heading out anyway. As the sun re-emerged, we made our way to the parking lot. Now we're home and the turkey is in the oven. Lots of memories, not the least of which was the mini-brawl we experienced last time we were there -- with Xavier winning the game and wanting to ring Fordham's victory bell. They didn't like that, but we rang it anyway, causing a good-natured little fistfight that you'd never be able to get away with in this day and age.