And so I stand up from my seat to get off the commuter train, and stand behind others who insist on being first out the door but who can't seem to walk very quickly once the doors open. It makes me nuts. You'd think I'd get over it by now, but no. The scenario repeats itself several times as I gallop crosstown from Grand Central to the westside. (And don't even get me started on the Hillary Clinton liar-fest outside Barnes and Noble earlier this week.)
Stew Leonard's is the hardest on my nerves. It's a fine store, and I love their selection, but the people who shop there are dumber than dirt. They loll down the narrow aisles and mindlessly stop in the middle of everything to look at the avocados. I'm starting to get into the habit of ramming their idled carts with my own -- to clear the space.
Someday there'll be a fistfight. But I'll have justification.