It is ironic and strangely appropriate that the same work schedule that has kept me from visiting Bratislava and Spumoni South sent me so close that I could visit both this year. This has been a great week for me in that my co-instructor and I taught two great classes, had some wonderful dinners and enjoyed some amazing scenery this year. The second class went so quickly that I had the time to drive to Spumoni South and catch up with La Famiglia. And laugh. And enjoy garlic, calimari and mozzerella. And calling John in NY to put him on speaker phone.
I have only two regrets. One, that I visited while Joe and Marlena were not there. And two, that Ellie wasn't along with me for the visit. Both prompt me to plan a more leisurely and complete visit down the road. Aunt Marie and Uncle Vinny are right, "Life is for the living." This is why we work so hard.
Well, maybe three regrets. I regret not visiting sooner.
Shteef, I expect you to report about the soup mix here in the blog. And perhaps post the pictures from the City Place. I haven't seen such vibrance and fun in the streets at night since NYC. David Letterman, however, would observe that City Place is unlike NY in its lack of phlegm on the streets.
Thanks again for a wonderful evening!